Tuesday, July 16, 2013

African Mango Extract: Dosage

Probably most of you recognize the old saying “Even poison can be medicine in the right dosage”. This doesn't mean that the African Mango extract is poison, just that you need to know the right dose you should use. Unfortunately another old saying “More of what is good is even better” does not apply to drugs or supplements of any kind, so being careful of much you intake is very important.

African Mango extract based supplements are rarely used for anything else other than weight losing. And a lot of people find it very hard to stay on a strict diet, which pretty much forbids them any food they ever liked. Even more people find it very hard to exercise daily as the doctors, even nutritionists, always stress out. This only makes way for the health industry, which is more than happy to provide them all kinds of pills to take care of their weight problem. And some of them can be downright poisonous on the long term. Fortunately natural extracts from plants are a good alternative to the much exploited chemicals and gained a lot of popularity in the past few years. Most of the supplements now on the market are based on plant extracts, such as green tea extract or African Mango extract, but even those have a proper dosage than when exceeded can do more harm than good. Even if death is an extremely rare case and nothing to worry about, side effects resulted from overdoses can still be annoying, sometimes even dangerous.

African Mango extract is usually found as pills, with the dose each pill contains written on the bottle. It is very important to check this before starting to use the supplement, because not every manufacturer uses the same mg/pill of extract. Failure to do so may result in accidentally exceeding the recommended dose.
While not enough studies that strive to determine the perfect dose of African Mango extract have been conducted, present research suggests that 150 mg taken twice a day, 30 minutes before eating, is enough to have a visible result on weight loss without serious secondary effects. Of course if you have hypersensitivity to any of the compounds found in the African Mango extract you should take a much lower dose, if not downright avoid it. Furthermore if you are allergic to the compounds you should not even think about using the supplement. Even if this is not the case, you should still check with your doctor before starting to take it.

Last but not least you should make sure to buy legitimate African Mango extract. This means it must be certified first of all. Because of the big hype this extract received after Dr. Oz praised it, a lot of supplements containing it appeared on the market. And a lot of them contain all kinds of fillers, which not only are utterly worthless, but also potentially dangerous. So be sure to check with your friends, doctor and also on the internet before buying a particular supplement based on African Mango extract.

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